I painted each piece with acrylic and arranged the pieces onto a black, wooden board with wood glue.
Reading Response:
Reverend Ethan Acres, Spoofing Biblical Messages to Inspire Christian Faith, Pages: 244-253
I think that Acre's approach to art and his faith are well directed; he seems to work to appeal and relate to the common, everyday sort of person. Instead of making his faith, or his work about faith, something that is mysterious and unattainable, he presents it in a way that is tangible and familiar. I believe that whether in art, or faith, the observer should be able to relate to the message you're sharing, they should feel welcomed and embraced. Not to say that the message should be sugar coated and always pleasant, or easy, because that is false, but that faith, or art, should be presented as it is, open to all and direct.
I find Acres to be a very down to earth individual; he admits that he struggles financially, as well as in other ways with his art; however, he is loyal to what he believes he is meant to do and be, no matter what the sacrifices. It seems that the fact his art is directed by his faith, tremendously influences his strength to face his daily struggles and continue on, as an artist and as a person. I believe that every individual has their own great trials and to be able to get up and keep going, shows considerable endurance, strength and character.
I also found it interesting, that in his interview, Acres admits that he was the child "who did not play well with others" and that he does not believe he would do well, in a working, communicatuve environment; as his entire profession revolves around interacting with his audience, it becomes difficult to believe. Acres also conveys a deep love of people, which furthers the surprise of his confession. I think that by revealing this small piece of his past and present, shows his imperfections as a human being; while he works to share his art with an audience and to embrace them, his story reveals a possible struggle to do just that. This restates his message of human flaw and how one does not need to be perfect to enter into God's presence, or an art gallery.
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